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Common Sleep Problems We See

Snoring bed partner
Is a snoring bed partner laying between you and sleep?
Is the sound and vibration of a partner’s snoring driving a wedge between you and a good night’s sleep? We have a snoring treatment that brings partners together without the need to use ear plugs, sleep in separate beds, or use clunky sleep equipment which can feel claustrophobic! Hire us today and rest better than ever before-even learn to Adore the Snore!
It is usually a good idea to have snoring checked to rule out sleep apnea, however, if the partner isn’t ready to commit to getting help, or hates using existing equipment, we have alternative solutions.
Drowsy Driving
If sitting at a stop light, or cruising 10 miles per hour in rush-hour traffic leads to head nods and droopy eyelids, it’s time to get that fixed. We have an easy, natural solution that doesn’t require caffeine, energy drinks, or other stimulants. If ending the battle to stay awake behind the wheel sounds tempting, reach out to us for your free Sleep Blueprint today!

Night Terrors
Night terrors can leave the person suffering from these episodes wary about sleeping, as the episodes are unpredictable, potentially dangerous, and tend to wake up everyone in hearing vicinity. The reluctance to fall asleep only leads to sleep deprivation which can contribute to more night terrors. We have a night terrors treatment to melt away the cause of these episodes, without resorting to drugs, or hours and hours of psychotherapy.
Other Sleep Problems We Help With:
Teeth Grinding
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Stress and Anxiety
Mild to Chronic Insomnia
Allergy Relief

About Us
Let’s Hi-Jack Insomnia
We have a passion for helping adults like you achieve optimal sleep. We recognize that great sleep is at the very foundation of a happy, healthy, fulfilled life with vibrant relationships at work, at home, and everywhere in between. And we know that you are busy. That’s why we’ve made our process very efficient. We begin by issuing a thorough intake assessment which allows us to determine where the greatest opportunities exist for you to improve your sleep.
Next, we prepare a detailed report with recommendations specific to your lifestyle. We connect with you online to discuss and modify your plan as needed. Additionally, if your sleep disruptions are linked to emotional distress (as a large percentage of sleep disruptions are), we will recommend targeted solutions to help you put the emotional baggage behind you once and for all! As Alternative Health Care Practitioners, we specialize in Mental and Emotional Release (MER), Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques, and hypnosis. These techniques provide an alternate form of remedy which are extremely effective at helping you sleep better fast!
How It Works
Schedule Your Free Consultation
Step 1.
Complete intake assessment
Step 2.
Receive personalized sleep plan and tracker*
*depending on package purchased.
Step 3.
Track your improvement towards A Better Snooze!
Step 4.
Are you tired of:
- Taking longer than thirty minutes to fall asleep?
- Lying in bed and staring at the ceiling for hours? Waking up frequently in the middle of the night, tossing and turning for long periods of time?
- Waking up hours before your alarm is scheduled to sound?

Book an Appointment With Us
We can help you even if you:
- Suffer from a past trauma, i.e. war or abuse
- Have intrusive thoughts that won’t shut down for sleep
- Have overwhelming demands at work and home
- Travel frequently across different time zones and are experiencing jet lag
- Work a night shift and sleep during the day
- Have a demanding routine
- Have noisy housemates and can’t sleep
- Currently take medications to fall asleep and want a natural way to treat insomnia
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